4 Tips to Slaying Your Fitness Goals

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_separator type=”transparent” position=”position_center” thickness=”1″ up=”20″ icon_pack=”font_awesome” fe_icon=”arrow_back” icon_type=”normal”][vc_column_text]How many of us make fitness goals each year? How many of us fall off two to three months in to the New Year? It’s hard to stay motivated when you don’t set up the right plan to reach your fitness goals. I spoke with Simone Berry, a health and fitness expert based out of Los Angeles on the struggle to keep up with our fitness resolutions. She has been dedicated to inspiring others to transform their lives through fitness. She shares some tips for setting obtainable fitness goals and ways to stay motivated:


Turn Your Fitness Goals Into a Lifestyle
Changing our mindset around fitness is the first step to meeting your fitness resolution. “Fitness is more of a lifestyle where you set goals within that lifestyle. The sooner you start and the longer you do it, the easier it will be. Map it out and have plans for what you want to do. With the plan, make goals and make sure it is measureable, obtainable and realistic,” Simone said.


Simone Berry

@monibfit Instagram


Map Out Your Weight Loss Goals
We all want to be #summertimefine for that upcoming trip to Jamaica or any other exotic location that we discovered on TravelNoire. Sometimes the goals we set can be overwhelming or unrealistic. Simone suggest you breakdown the total amount of weight that you want to loose into weekly increments. “Say you want to loose 40 lbs. Plan to measure that per week. Like every week, I want to loose 1 lbs., so around April or May I should reach my goal. This is a mapped out version of your goals. Loosing 40 pounds can be overwhelming as oppose to saying that you want to loose a pound a week. So now you are measuring your goal of 40 lbs. in an accumulative way. I’m loosing 4 lbs. a month to 8 lbs. in two months and so forth. This approach is motivating as you see the pounds come off each week,” Simone said.


Simone Berry

@monibfit Instagram


Find Something You’re Comfortable With & Stick With It
It’s easy to leave health and fitness out of our daily routines. With work, activities, children and keeping up with the social scene, fitness tends to become less of a priority. Simone suggests that you start off small. “Don’t burn yourself out by drastically changing your lifestyle to incorporate gym time. The way to make fitness a lifestyle is to slowly incorporate it. Instead of going to happy hour every night limit it to 1 to 2 nights a week. Now that gives you some free time to start going to the gym or taking a class. For some people going to the gym or  going on a walk a couple of times a week is great. It’s what they like to do and it works out for them. For other people it’s just simply not eating junk food and being conscious of what they are eating. It’s just about finding what works for you. Finding something you are comfortable with and that you will stick with is important. Avoid feeling pressured into doing something that doesn’t work for you,” Simone said.


Simone Berry

@monibfit Instagram


Stay Motivated Beyond Your Goals
Once you loose your 40 lbs. and collect your Instagram likes, what’s next? Many of us meet our goals to look good in our swimsuits, but fall off after that goal was achieved. “With every goal that you set you should ask yourself why it is your goal. Why else do I want to loose 40 lbs. besides looking good in Jamaica? Is it to be healthier? Find a long-term reason for why you want to achieve the goal. That’s why when people reach their goal they stop continuing to work on it, because it was a goal and not integrated as a part of their lifestyle. Now that you have this body you’ve worked so hard for, you should want to take care of this body the best way you know how. You’ve put a lot of work into getting here, so rework the goal. Maybe the goal isn’t necessarily just about loosing weight. It’s about being healthy. Make sure you have a vision and a path to make the vision happen,” Simone said.


Life happens and sometimes fitness gets the back burner, but what really matters is that you try again. “You will fall off track. Be prepared to fall off track, but don’t beat yourself up about it!” Simone shared.


What are your fitness goals this year and how do you plan to meet them?


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