Career writer & speaker

Meet Brittney oliver

Brittney Oliver is a professional based in greater Nashville with expertise in public relations, marketing communications, writing, event and content management and social media strategy. After living in NYC for seven years, this content strategist moved back to her hometown to build her event series Lemons 2 Lemonade (L2L).

Brittney expertise in public relations has gained client placements in USA Today, ABC New, Chicago Tribune and Black Enterprise. She was instrumental in developing an email marketing strategy for and Travelista Teri. Her writing has been featured in Teen Vogue, TIME, ESSENCE, Revolt, Business Insider and Fast Company.

Her ultimate goal is to continue to create content and strategy to help elevate the platform and initiatives of companies looking to be intentional with diversity, inclusion and equity for underrepresented employees and prospective candidates. She wants to create an impact that prevents other millennials of color from experiencing a difficult entry into their career paths of choice and help them pivot to create opportunities for themselves when the job search gets tough.  Since documenting her journey from job search to founder, Brittney’s expertise and insight has been featured in ForbesFast CompanyRefinery29Black Enterprise and countless podcasts and speaking engagements. In 2019, Forbes named her one of “Nine Black Women Leaders Dedicated to Empowering Others.”

My Inspiration

Two years ago, I decided to be fearless and to share my story to inspire others to keep focus on their dreams. I choose to take life’s lemons and turn them into lemonade. My glass of lemonade consists of a dash of resilience, a sprinkle of tenacity, a cup of faith, a pinch of grace and a dose of creativity. I’ve learn that we each have our own cup of lemonade filled with stories of triumphs and tribulations that makes our journey uniquely ours. I’m here to share my glass and help others discover what’s in theirs with lifestyle tips, career advice and inspirational interviews.