Ways you can show up better to a newly bereaved direct report or colleague at work
The second holiday season without my mother has arrived, and although I miss her every day, this time of year is especially hard. It’s a challenging time for anyone who has lost a loved one. Loss is something that we all will face or have already faced in our lifetime, and yet we are still
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Stop telling folks to be strong in grief
One thing that I can’t quite shake is our need to tell someone who is bereaved to be strong. The inability to allow people to feel safe when feeling a raw and honest emotion towards the loss of a loved one concerns me. Sure, it will make you uncomfortable, but this moment and this experience
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Networking as a newly bereaved person
One of the ways that I decided to deal with the grief of losing my mom was to stay committed to the goals I shared with her. One of those goals was to bring Lemons 2 Lemonade back in person. I created Lemons 2 Lemonade out of a need to find a community that I
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The Secret Society of the Bereaved
There’s a secret society of the bereaved. Sorry if I’m spilling the beans, but this has surprised me and made me very curious. The day I shared with the world that my mother became an ancestor was when I received my invitation to this society. Texts messages and DMs welcoming me into the club. Some
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