Give yourself the chance to move forward

Some of you all may not want to read this, but…


There will be times when you have to do things that you don’t want to do to make space for the things you want in life.


During a #L2LChat with Dr. Jasmine Escalera, she revealed one of her career lemons. She started driving for Uber Eats to pay her bills after leaving two jobs that were toxic or a terrible fit. Imagine being a Yale Ph.D. and finding yourself in the gig economy because you can’t find a job. But what she called her “lowest” moment gave her space for clarity to find her purpose as a career coach.


She did what she needed to do to get to where she is today.


If you are at the moment in your life where you have to make a bold decision that seems like a step back, I’m here to remind you that it may be the very thing you need to move forward.


  • For some of you, it was changing your diet due to a health scare. You have to drastically change the way you eat to increase your life expectancy.
  • For others, it was leaving your big city lifestyle to move home to save money after a layoff.
  • A few of you had to put your businesses on hold to seek full-time employment for additional income to pay off debt.


This is an excellent lesson to learn as we continue to make goals for ourselves because life happens.


We have these goals or things that we want to achieve, but we often miss breaking down what it will take to achieve those goals and the lemons that may come our way. Sometimes the steps it takes to make it happen are the things we don’t want to do.


This time last year, I sat in malls, Sprint stores and apartment buildings at a table selling meal kits to reclaim my independence. Before that, I remember crying as I applied for a call center job, but I got through it. By the end of 2020, I found myself accomplishing so much more than moving out of my parent’s home. It only takes a year for your life to change; you have to put in the work.


It’s a sacrifice we make to live the life we want eventually. For some, the sacrifice is permanent, but it’s often a small valley towards our summit.


It’s not going backward; it’s moving forward, intending to make space for what is in store for you.


Give yourself a chance to move forward.