Are you sticking to your 2020 goals?


Two months down and ten more to go, and some of us still have yet to select our 2020 goals or put action behind them.

Lately, we have been picking word themes to help set off our intentions for the year, but have you put action behind your 2020 word of the year.

From impact to intentionality from grace to discipline, we each have set themes and mantras for our year centered around this word.


This year, I selected the word GRACE. I picked this word because giving myself grace is something I need to be better at doing.  When friends and colleagues congratulated me for the L2L Tour, I thought about all the things that did not work out the way I wanted. I could not give myself the grace to pat myself on the back and recognized my accomplishments, I wanted to tour, and I made it happen. Not giving myself grace was doing myself a disservice of celebrating my wins and allowing myself to be grateful for what has happened.

So the first Monday of 2020, I was faced with the challenge of putting action to my theme and giving myself grace, but I did not know where to begin to start. Ironically, at the very moment of me spiraling out of control, Kandia Johnson tweeted:


I immediately called her to see if you could help me make a plan to put action behind my 2020 word. Here are some steps to creating an action plan.

Plan how your “word” will manifest during your day. Ask how each of your daily tasks for the day will align with your word. If “impact” is your word, think about how you can create an impact on the goals of your day or the work that you do.

Set affirmations to read or say to yourself as you set the intentions to manifest your “word.” Since my word is grace, I set declarations that I can easily pull up on my phone that I can repeat to myself when I’m not extending grace. In those negative and challenging moments, pull out your affirmations to remind yourself of your “word” theme and get back on track.

Lastly, keep going. Remember, life’s a marathon and not a sprint. Let’s end Q1 like the rockstars we all are.

One way I’m ending Q1 is by achieving a goal of mine to help founders with amplifying their brands using the power of media. Yes, that’s right. I’m finally going to start teaching how to pitch to the press, and I’m partnering with the iFundWomen and the Nashville Entrepreneurship Center to host my first virtual and in-person classes.


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