6 Things We Can Learn From Beyonce’s Parkwood Entertainment Squad

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_separator type=”transparent” position=”position_center” thickness=”1″ up=”20″ icon_pack=”font_awesome” fe_icon=”arrow_back” icon_type=”normal”][vc_column_text]As much as I respect Beyonce’s talent, what brings the fan girl out of me is her team. Beyonce has put together a team of people to help bring her thoughts, her lyrics and her stories to life. Her team has crafted some amazing moments in pop culture. Parkwood Entertainment creates experiences for fans to consume her work in very unique ways, just like her latest visual concept/album, Lemonade.


“What I might enjoy most about Lemonade, though, is that for the first time since my childhood, a music video felt like an event. I’ve long wondered if younger fans will ever get to experience the days when we huddled around our TVs to watch Michael Jackson’s moonwalk or the premiere of “Black or White” and “Remember the Time.” a Complex writer suggested.


I personally don’t remember huddling around to watch Michael Jackson’s video premieres, but I know my parents did. They love to share their stories of nostalgia – being able to witness the true glittery magic of the Michael Jackson era. Decades later and in between the NBA playoff games, my parents made sure not to miss another special event with Beyonce’s Lemonade premiere. The coy teasers that populated my social media feed and the urgency that everyone felt to try and find a viewing party or obtain an HBO Go password was an event itself.




Being able to draw that much excitement to new music is a thing artists are trying to master. As the music industry struggles to sell records and generate the revenue of yesteryears, Beyonce is one of the few artists who has found a way to stay ahead of the competition and create new ways for people to consume music. Parkwood out does itself with each new album rollout and Lemonade was no exception. Here are some takeaways we can learn from Beyonce and her Parkwood team on how to manage our personal brands and keep “respek” on our names:


Stay in Control. The most impressive thing about Beyonce and her team is that they can keep the an air tight lid on all the juicy projects that she is working on without leaks. With the industry plagued by album leaks, her self-titled album became available for purchase on iTunes out of thin air. Despite the hundreds of people involved with the project, she was still able to release new music without anyone knowing. I’ll never forget reading her February 2013 cover story for GQ where she revealed that she had a “crazy archive” filled with every interview, photo, recording and more. That’s when I discovered that she recorded all of her interviews with journalists. I thought that was a clever way to be in control over a story. She’s not knew to staying in control. Ever since that fateful day when Oprah advised Beyonce to keep her private life to herself, Bey has made it her mission to keep her private and professional life underwraps. In return she’s able to stay in control of what we know and don’t know about her.


Don’t you hate it when you put your blood, sweat and tears into something and someone else ruins it. In anything that we do you have to stay in control of your brand. Don’t allow other people to define it or prematurely have access to what you are working on before it’s ready. By doing so you stay a step ahead of competitors, so when you are ready you can reveal your work on your own terms.

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Keep it Fresh. Right before Beyonce’s Super Bowl appearance, Parkwood released a statement about the changes that were taking place at the entertainment company. The company not only moved to sunny California, but senior leadership changed as well with Steve Parmon heading up operations. Some may see this a sign of distress, but there is nothing wrong with keeping it fresh. As you evolve, the people around you need to change too. I’m not saying you have to drop people like biscuits, but I am saying that opening yourself up to new people can breathe new life into different aspects of your life. Bringing new blood around you offers new perspective, new ideas and new ways to take your business to the next level.




Make Them Sweat. Lemonade was one of the most highly anticipated albums of 2016. Beyonce and her team created a frenzied BeyHive filled with anxiety and angst while we waited for this album. No one knew when, where or how she would release it, but people were getting in formation ready for whatever she threw their way. Don’t rush your masterpiece. Hold on to your cards and play them when the time is right. The more she teased us, the better the final product and experience was for all of us.





Be Collaborative. As Beyonce began to explore her sound and her artistry, she introduced us to some amazing creatives who have helped shaped some of her best work. Parkwood scours the Internet to find people to collaborate with, like they did with Tofo Tofo dance group who inspired the moves for “Run the World (Girls).” She exposed us the the beautiful words of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Warsan Shire. Collaborations are mutually beneficially and can help both parties achieve the results that they are looking for. Find ways to partner and work with someone who may have the resources or skill set that you lack in order to help grow your business and personal brand.



Pay it Forward. In the latest issue of Elle, Beyonce announced her new Parkwood artists Chloe x Halle, Ingrid and Sophie Beem as the new faces of Park wood’s music label. Beyonce has been in the industry for over 20 years and is now offering opportunities to grow, mentor and curate a career for upcoming musicians. She’s paying it forward. It’s important to reach back and share your wealth of knowledge to the next generation. Lemonade showed Beyonce’s appreciation for a span of generations as she honored the women who came before her and the young ladies who are next to carry the torch like Zendaya, Amandla and Quvenzhané.


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Don’t Forget Where You Came From. Beyonce’s not afraid to ride through Texas on a horse. She’s not afraid of her Southern, country and Creole roots and she celebrates it in all of her projects. Her tie to her hometown is even reflective of her company, Parkwood, which is the name of a street in Houston where the singer once lived. Having that strong connection to her roots have kept her grounded and have helped her to create content that is relatable. Sometimes the inspiration you need comes from your roots. Whether it’s the words of wisdom from an elder family member, childhood memories or even your cultural heritage, those things can draw out the creativity you need to finish a project. It could even be the very thing you need to motivate you to achieve your dreams. Her connection to her husband’s grandmother was the very thing that inspired the title of Lemonade.


*Photo courtesy of Parkwood Entertainment.


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